Tax Dept

About the New Boston Tax Department.


My name is Lori Jordan, and I was appointed as the Tax Director for the Village of New Boston on January 4, 2016.  I previously was employed by Chris Gerard, Attorney at Law for 13 years and have several years’ experience working at H&R Block.  My husband, Johnny, and I have 2 sons, 1 granddaughter and 1 grandson.  I look forward to working with the citizens of New Boston.lorijordan  

It is the job of the Village Tax Department to receive the tax money from the taxpayers and businesses, keep accurate records and report the money received to the Municipal Treasurer. The department is responsible for billing all individuals & businesses if they owe tax money to the village and is also responsible for refunding any amount that is erroneously paid.

Officers in the tax department are willing to work with any taxpayer who does not have the means to pay, by setting up reasonable payment plans. However, if the taxpayer refuses to work with the department to pay their taxes, there could be a punishment of up to a $500.00 fine, or imprisoned for not more than sixty days, or both.

New Boston tax money pays for services such as village police, fire and service departments.

For more information, contact Lori Jordan in the Village Tax Department, at (740) 456-4103, or by
E-mail using our CONTACT PAGE.










» Internal Revenue Service
» Ohio Dept. of Taxation